2015-2015 edition
The first award (€400) goes to Marie Padilla (CERCCLE – Bordeaux)
The second award (€100) goes to the team of Ambroise Fahrner (Sciences Po) and Charlotte Matthews (Paris Assas)
“Les spécificités propres des systèmes juridiques français et anglais enrichissent-elles l’Europe ?” / “This house believes that Europe benefits from Britain and France having different legal systems ”

Marie Padilla (Cerccle), Cordial Debate 2015, with Jean-Pascal Sibiet (founder of the Franco British Comparative Project)
A sample of essays that were submitted can be found here
Jury was composed as follows :
- Catherine Palmer (President of the Franco-British Lawyers Society UK and Wales)
- Christophe Premat (MP for French citizens living in United Kingdom & Northern Europe)
- Claire Legras (First Counsellor, Embassy of France in the United Kingdom)
- Dominic Grieve (MP, Former Attorney General)
- Duncan Fairgrieve (Professor of Comparative Law at Paris Dauphine PSL)
The “Cordial Debate” is a written competition which aims to encourage mutual understanding of France and Great Britain. The contestants take a standpoint “for or against” an annually given statement. The 2014-2015 proposal is:
This house believes that Europe benefits from Britain and France having different legal systems
The Cordial Debate Prize will recognize outstanding arguments presented in a short essay format, with entries submittable individually or as a team. Quality, originality and clarity of arguments will be the criteria in order to be shortlisted, and students from all disciplines are encouraged to participate. The essays will be examined anonymously. After a first selection round, essays will be transmitted to the jury who will decide between the four best essays.
The winning entry will be awarded a prize of €400 (split in case of a tie), and the runner up will be awarded a prize of €100.
This prize has been made possible thanks to the kind support of the Allianz Cultural Foundation (website), and has been publicised by a number of press partners.
To find out more about our press and social media partners please visit their websites:
- The cordial debate is open to students and young alumni of less than 28 years old on the 1st January 2015.
- Essays must be submitted before close of business on the 31st of March 2015.
Essays must be written in English and/or French.
Submissions must not exceed 1500 words (excluding appendix & bibliography), and be in a commonly readable format (e.g. PDF, MS Word).
- By registering and sending your essay, you consent to share copyright with the FB-Connections.
- Once announced, results are final and not subject to appeal.
- If necessary for the good conduct of the Debate, rules are subject to modification.
Links to Inspire Your Thoughts
We are currently in our third edition of the debate, information on previous editions can be found here
Report from the French Senate on the evolution of civil responsability, with a comparison to English Law: http://www.senat.fr/rap/r08-
Article on “Will there be a war of Laws”: http://www.academiedentaire.
Presentation on “Criminal law systems in Europe”: http://www.ecole.org/en/
The FB-Connections is not responsible for the content of external sites
The Cordial Debate 2014 Team
Maéva Guyot (Alumna Grande Ecole du Droit, Paris Sud – Coordination & Communication)
Save the Date
For another event on Franco-British perspectives on legal systems, students might also like to visit: http://www.fb-connections.org/magna-carta/
More on Franco-British Law
We encourage all participants to visit the website of the Franco-British Lawyers’ Society (https://fbls.eu/)
For students interested in Franco-British law, below is list of double diploma law courses. We have presented all courses we are aware of, but should you spot an omission, do let us know at cordial@fb-connections.org.
Royaume-Uni | France |
University of Birmingham | Université d'Orléans |
Cardiff Law School | Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Politiques de Nantes |
University of Dundee | Université Toulouse I Capitole |
University of Essex | Université Toulouse I Capitole |
Université Paris X Nanterre | |
University of Exeter | Université de Rennes 1 |
King's College London | Université Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne) |
Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) | |
University of Leicester | Université Robert Schuman Strasbourg III |
University of Oxford | Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) |
Sheffield Hallam University | Université Paris Est Créteil Val de Marne |
University College London | Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas |
Cardiff Law School | Université de Picardie (Amiens) |
King's College London | Université de Nantes |
Université de Poitiers | |
Université de Rennes | |
Université de Toulouse | |
Sorbonne Paris IV | |
Université de Provence | |
Université de Montpellier III | |
Université de Cergy-Pontoise | |
Université de Poitiers | |
Université de Lyon | |
IEP de Province | |
Sciences Po Paris | |
Université Toulouse 3 | |
University of Leeds | Université Nancy 2 |
Université Lyon 1 |
Here is a further list (incomplete) of non double-diploma courses with a Franco-British perspective that have been communicated to us by students. Should you wish for your course to appear here, please do let us know at cordial@fb-connections.org
University | Course Website |
University of Nottingham | http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ugstudy/courses/law/law-french.aspx |