Newsletter 2018

We are proud to share our latest newsletter, a retrospective of our work in 2017 & 2018.

Bonne lecture!

Brexit and the changes in the political landscapes of both the United Kingdom and France have inevitably cast a shadow of uncertainty in Franco-British relations. As such, most of our initiatives this year have touched upon how to redefine a close relationship in the post-Brexit era. The alumni and students of the Franco-British Connections team have aimed at keeping the Franco-British relations at heart by focusing on areas of mutual concern for both countries and exploring opportunities for synergy amongst younger generations. Both countries remain important partners interested in continuing to strengthen bilateral cooperation in areas across all sectors of our societies and economies inclusive of intelligence-sharing and innovation, defence cooperation and promoting a more sustainable and competitive economic model for Europe. This third edition of the Franco-British Connections newsletter presents the highlights of this period.

Eugenia Esteva Vegas, Editor-In-Chief, Franco-British Connections